Twinkling lights on every neighbor’s house have distracted me from noticing how early it’s getting dark.
The lights are more visible in the darkness.
Halfway through Philippians 2, there is a little directive that really matters right now because obeying that directive is the key to being a light in this dark world.
“Do all things without grumbling or disputing, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.”
In ever-increasing darkness, Jesus followers aren’t called to reform the darkness or to demand it be less dark, but rather, we are called to shine – right there in the middle of the crooked and twisted - WITHOUT GRUMBLING AND DISPUTING.
Combating darkness is done not by complaining, but by shining the Light of the World.
This doesn’t mean I can’t speak up and respectfully voice my objections to those who can do something about real injustices – but there’s a big difference between respectfully and legally objecting, and whining through my mask to anyone who will listen about the foolishness of class Christmas parties on Zoom.
Grumbling only adds to the darkness. Disputing is a dimmer switch to the desperately needed illumination this world needs.
Personally knowing the Light of the World should result in every action, every word, and every expression reflecting that light.
Light guides.
Light warns.
Light cheers.
Light nourishes.
Light comforts.
Light ensures safety.
Light draws others close.
In the middle of all the crooked and twisted, broken and dark, perverse and painful, the Light of the World is still shining.
Don’t try to get away from the dark. Stop grumbling and let the darkness make the Light of the World more visible.
December 11, 2020